'Live boldly.Live lively.Trust your frequencies'
Back in time when the huge butterflies flapped their wings in the east
the effect was seen in the Amazon forests as rains showered over the canopies.
Which was followed by a hurricane.
That's the chaos theory.
The tiniest little actions in the course of life will have their future repercussions.
All the factors and decisions in life, some random ignorance, a little bad day, a cup of tea or even you simply eating, has led you being here today,
You reading this.
While i write my thoughts down, my mom interrupts me and my brother to share a story she just read.
A guy who left for work cribbing about the lunch his mom packed for him,
He kept on saying it was a bad day, and how each thing that day started turning worse.
Wanting to fetch some things which were on easy access on other days, but today he had to walk a total of five lanes down the street to get them.
The same guy who is quite humble otherwise yelled at the staff at his workplace.
During the lunchtime as he walked down the office in frustration he saw the security at his office; he was shocked.
The guard there was eating a dry chapati with water.
He stopped the guard and rushed upstairs to offer his own lunch to him. The teared guy was left with no words, he was grateful.
So as I said each little thing you do has its future results to come.
The tantrums of the guy over the lunch, turned out to be a blessing to the guard.
It was his irrational behaviour that made him notice the little things, which he didn't until today.
As we live, every moment matters.
Every movement matters.
Every bad decision in your course, made you choose the best in life. If you were to rewind and change you wouldn't be here.
Change will come even if you're standing still or lazing around.
Butterflies will keep flapping their wings causing hurricanes.
So stay lively. Live loudly. Trust your gut. And your frequency.
And what if you ceased to exist??
Aha, the universe will notice.
Deleteany suggestions or doubts lemme know:)